Universal Document Converter
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Main page>Developer Solutions>Examples>Visual C++>PDF Documents to JPEG

Converting PDF Documents to JPEG for Visual C++

// This example was designed for using in Microsoft Visual C++ from 
// Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 or above.
// 1. Adobe Acrobat Writer 4.0 or above should be installed and activated on your PC.
//    Adobe Acrobat Reader does not have COM interface and cannot be used as COM-server!
// 2. Universal Document Converter 5.2 or above should be installed, too.
// 3. You must initialize the COM before you call any COM method.
// Please insert "::CoInitialize(0);" in your application initialization
// and "::CoUninitialize();" before closing it.
// 4. Import Acrobat libraries for 32-bit version of Windows.
// For 64-bit version please change "C:\\Program Files\\" to
// "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\" in all pathes.
#pragma message("Import Acrobat API")
// Acrobat 4.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 4.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
// Acrobat 5.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 5.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
// Acrobat 6.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 6.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
// Acrobat 7.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
// Acrobat 8.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 8.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
// Acrobat 9.0 -> "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 9.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 4.0\\Acrobat\\acrobat.tlb"\
    rename_namespace("ACROBAT"), auto_rename
// 5. Import Universal Document Converter software API:
#import "progid:udc.apiwrapper" rename_namespace("UDC")
void PrintAdobePDFToJPEG( CString sFilePath )
  UDC::IUDCPtr pUDC(__uuidof(UDC::APIWrapper));
  UDC::IUDCPrinterPtr itfPrinter = pUDC->Printers["Universal Document Converter"];
  UDC::IProfilePtr itfProfile = itfPrinter->Profile;
// Adobe Acrobat API allow to print only on the default printer
  pUDC->DefaultPrinter = "Universal Document Converter";
// Use Universal Document Converter API to change settings of converterd document
// Load profile located in folder "%APPDATA%\UDC Profiles".
// Value of %APPDATA% variable should be received using Windows API's SHGetSpecialFolderPath function.
// Or you can move default profiles into a folder you prefer.   
  itfProfile->Load("PDF to JPEG.xml");
  itfProfile->OutputLocation->Mode = UDC::LM_PREDEFINED;
  itfProfile->OutputLocation->FolderPath = L"C:\\Out";
  itfProfile->PostProcessing->Mode = UDC::PP_OPEN_FOLDER;
// Run Microsoft Visio as COM-server
  ACROBAT::CAcroAppPtr itfAdobeApp(L"AcroExch.App");
  ACROBAT::CAcroAVDocPtr itfAVDocument(L"AcroExch.AVDoc");
  ACROBAT::CAcroPDDocPtr itfPDDocument;
  int nPages;
// Open PDF document from file
  itfAVDocument->Open( (LPCTSTR)sFilePath, _T("") );
  itfPDDocument = itfAVDocument->GetPDDoc();
  nPages = itfPDDocument->GetNumPages();
// Print all pages of the document
  itfAVDocument->PrintPagesSilent(0, nPages - 1, 0, true, true);
// Close the document
// Close Adobe Acrobat Writer

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