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Main page>Developer Solutions>Examples>Visual Basic 6>Outlook Messages to TIFF

Converting Microsoft Outlook Messages to TIFF for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

' 1) Microsoft Outlook 2000 or above should be installed and activated on your PC.
' 2) Universal Document Converter 5.2 or above should be installed, too.
' 3) Open your project in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.
' 4) In Visual Basic main menu press "Project->References".
' 5) In the list of references check "Universal Document Converter Type Library".
Private Sub WaitSomeTime(nSec As Single)
  Dim nStart, nFinish As Single
  nStart = Timer    ' Set start time.
  Do While Timer < nStart + nSec
    DoEvents    ' Yield to other processes.
  nFinish = Timer   ' Set end time.
End Sub
Private Sub PrintOutlookMsgToTIFF(ByVal strFilePath As String)
  Const olDiscard = 1 ' = Outlook.OlInspectorClose.olDiscard
  Dim objUDC As IUDC
  Dim itfPrinter As IUDCPrinter
  Dim itfProfile As IProfile
  Dim objOutlook As Object
  Dim itfMsg As Object
  Set objUDC = New UDC.APIWrapper
  Set itfPrinter = objUDC.Printers("Universal Document Converter")
  Set itfProfile = itfPrinter.Profile
 ' Set Universal Document Converter as default printer, because
 ' Outlook's API interface allow printing only on default printer
  objUDC.DefaultPrinter = "Universal Document Converter"
 ' Use Universal Document Converter API to change settings of converterd document
  itfProfile.FileFormat.ActualFormat = FMT_TIFF
  itfProfile.FileFormat.TIFF.ColorSpace = CS_BLACKWHITE
  itfProfile.FileFormat.TIFF.Compression = CMP_CCITTGR4
  itfProfile.OutputLocation.Mode = LM_PREDEFINED
  itfProfile.OutputLocation.FolderPath = "C:\Out"
  itfProfile.PostProcessing.Mode = PP_OPEN_FOLDER
 ' Open MS Outlook as COM-server
  Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 ' Open Outlook MSG file
  Set itfMsg = objOutlook.CreateItemFromTemplate(strFilePath)
 ' And print it on the default printer
  Call itfMsg.PrintOut
 ' Close opened file
  itfMsg.Close (olDiscard)
 ' Wait until Outlook finished printing process
  WaitSomeTime (5)
 ' Close Outlook application
  Call objOutlook.Quit
  Set objOutlook = Nothing
 End Sub

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