Universal Document Converter can assist in preparing documents for publishing on the Internet
The growing importance of the Internet as a means of communication makes it necessary for the company site to include information about offered goods or services.
The company fCoder Group, Inc. proposes using Universal Document Converter for converting presentation materials and product catalogs into the Adobe PDF format. The publication of documents in this format offers clients all needed information in a reliable and change-protected form.
Benefits of publishing documents in the Adobe PDF format:
Compatibility. Thanks to the wide distribution of Adobe Acrobat Reader, materials converted in the Adobe PDF format will be available for viewing and printing from any computer or laptop.
Document integrity. Raster format PDF preserves documents as an integrated image. This means that viewing or printing them does not require any additional fonts to be installed. You can be sure that documents will appear on any computer exactly as they appear on yours.
Data protection. Copying the contents of a document is not possible. Therefore, you do not need to fear plagiarism from your competitors.
Benefits of Universal Document Converter:
Support for multipage documents. With the aid of Universal Document Converter you can not only convert documents into PDF, but unite several different documents into one multipage PDF file.
Work with documents of any size. Universal Document Converter can convert into PDF documents of any size, from leaflets up to large-scale technical drawings.
Ease of use. Universal Document Converter is installed as a virtual printer. Therefore, exporting a document of any type into PDF is as easy as printing it on a desktop printer.
Flexible configuration. The flexibility of configuring the program makes it possible to choose the optimal ratio between the quality of document copies and the size of PDF files, increasing the speed of transferring them on the Internet.